Green header graphic

Today is The 3rd Thursday in Ordinary Time
The Liturgical Color of the day is Green

Jesus reaching out


07/11/2005: Finally saw Star Wars Episode III
07/06/2005: Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson are the same?
06/28/2005: Is your son going to be a priest?
06/28/2005: Sorry for my absence
06/22/2005: Mario Cuomo exemplifies poor Catechesis... again.
06/10/2005: NARAL: "Get government out of the family" to "safe, legal, and rare" to "be responsible"?
06/01/2005: Sorry for my absence
06/01/2005: HP's real problem? No longer guided by Catholics
05/25/2005: Reflections on Sunday's readings: Andrew was baptized!
05/25/2005: Scripture Quote of the Week
05/25/2005: Sorry for my absence
05/13/2005: Please pray for my Grandpa Joe
05/12/2005: Tribute to The Play
05/09/2005: Reflections on Sunday's readings
05/09/2005: Scripture Quote of the Week
05/06/2005: Maybe it really doesn't exist
05/06/2005: More on The Play
05/06/2005: Question of the Week: What is confirmation?
05/04/2005: Amazing Race metrics update
05/03/2005: Reflections on Sunday's readings
05/03/2005: Scripture Quote of the Week
05/03/2005: Ebay comes to their senses... No more Eucharist for sale
04/29/2005: The Play
04/26/2005: The framework required for arguing for a married priesthood
04/26/2005: I forgot the hat tip
04/26/2005: The celebate priesthood
04/25/2005: Boycott Ebay!
04/25/2005: Question of the Week: Do Catholics believe that only Catholics (or Christians) are going to heaven?
04/25/2005: Reflections on Sunday's readings
04/25/2005: Scripture Quote of the Week
04/21/2005: Mark Morford: New pope needs to brand Advil!?!
04/21/2005: I finished reading 'Earth Abides'
04/21/2005: Reply from Ebay Eucharist buyer
04/19/2005: Man I need to learn Latin!
04/19/2005: New Pope Elected: Benedict
04/18/2005: Great news about the Eucharist on Ebay
04/18/2005: Question of the Week: Is baptism necessary?
04/18/2005: Reflections on Sunday's readings
04/18/2005: Scripture Quote of the Week
04/13/2005: Even funnier!
04/12/2005: Busted a gut!
04/12/2005: Reflections on Sunday's readings
04/12/2005: Scripture Quote of the Week
04/12/2005: My e-mail to the EBay seller of the Eucharist
04/12/2005: Consecrated Eucharist for sale on Ebay!?!
04/08/2005: Comments on the John Paul's funeral
04/07/2005: Wow! Read this one
04/07/2005: Patriarchal structure of Chruch as demeaning as apartheid?
04/07/2005: Pope's funeral tonight at 1 AM PDT
04/06/2005: My thoughts on John Paul II's passing
04/06/2005: A final book recommendation
04/06/2005: Once you've finished the Sea Wolf
04/06/2005: The Sea Wolf
04/06/2005: Amazing Race metrics update
04/04/2005: Question of the Week: How is the next Pope picked?
04/04/2005: Reflections on Sunday's readings
04/04/2005: Scripture Quote of the Week
04/01/2005: Updated list of Myths
04/01/2005: Culture of life actually a culture of 'living death'?
03/29/2005: Question of the Week: What is the Triduum?
03/29/2005: Reflections on Sunday's readings
03/29/2005: Scripture Quote of the Week
03/23/2005: Every Sperm is Sacred? You've got to kidding right?
03/21/2005: Last one for the day: another Myth of the 20th century!
03/21/2005: Want to understand the will to live better? Read Jack London's 'The Sea Wolf'
03/21/2005: Why are Athiests for Euthenasia?
03/21/2005: Congress's actions for Terri
03/21/2005: Watching Terri's videos and listening to Terri 'speak'
03/21/2005: Terri Schiavo's two separate problems
03/21/2005: Question of the Week: What does the Catholic Church teach about end of life issues?
03/21/2005: Reflections on Sunday's readings
03/21/2005: A lot to post on today
03/21/2005: Scripture Quote of the Week
03/18/2005: Biased/incomplete polls
03/18/2005: The Amazing Race report
03/17/2005: Wesley Smith has a blog
03/15/2005: Gay Marriage/Polygamy
03/15/2005: California Marriages and the great myths of the 20th century
03/14/2005: Question of the Week: Aren't annulments just "Catholic divorces"?
03/14/2005: Reflections on Sunday's readings
03/14/2005: Scripture Quote of the Week
03/08/2005: Reply to Richard Cohen : Justice Scalia misguided?
03/08/2005: Back online!
08/16/2004: A scripture quote to live by
08/16/2004: One final promise
08/16/2004: The End is Near!
08/11/2004: Scripture Quote of the Day
08/11/2004: Being thankful
08/06/2004: Daily Reflection on Scripture
08/06/2004: Scripture Quote of the Day
08/06/2004: Question of the Day: Why is Elijah who is with Moses during the Transfiguration?
08/05/2004: Daily Reflection on Scripture
08/05/2004: Scripture Quote of the Day
08/05/2004: Question of the Day: Was St. Peter really in Rome? Why isn't that in scripture?
08/04/2004: Daily Reflection on Scripture
08/04/2004: Scripture Quote of the Day
08/04/2004: Question of the Day: Why is there so many congregation recited prayers during Mass?
08/04/2004: While we're on the topic of me asking for forgiveness
08/04/2004: Sorry for missing Fri., Mon, & Tues.
07/29/2004: Daily Reflection on Scripture
07/29/2004: I love my auto color changing blog!
07/29/2004: Scripture Quote of the Day
07/29/2004: Question of the Day: Was Martha Mary Magdalene's sister?
07/29/2004: Are you a Yak-Whomper or a Knuckle-Scraper?
07/28/2004: Daily reflection on Scripture
07/28/2004: Scripture Quote of the Day
07/28/2004: Question of the Day: Was Jesus really born on December 25th, or is it a Pagan holiday?
07/27/2004: Daily Reflection on Scripture
07/27/2004: Scripture Quote of the Day
07/27/2004: Question of the Day: Why do Protestants and Catholics have different sets of 10 Commandments
07/26/2004: Scripture Quote of the Day
07/26/2004: Question of the Day: What are the Gnostic Gospels?
07/26/2004: Sorry for missing Weds. and Fri.
07/22/2004: Daily Reflection on Scripture
07/22/2004: Scripture Quote of the Day
07/22/2004: Question of the Day: Why does the Catholic Church ignore the Gnostic Gospels that talk about Mary Magdalene?
07/20/2004: Scripture Quote of the Day
07/20/2004: Question of the Day: Are Sacraments performed by clergy in mortal sin valid?
07/19/2004: Daily Reflection on Scripture
07/19/2004: Scripture Quote of the Day
07/19/2004: Question of the Day: Was there an 11 year old Pope?
07/16/2004: Daily Reflection on Scripture
07/16/2004: Scripture Quote of the Day
07/16/2004: Question of the Day: How can I get 100 visitors from CAEI and only get one question?
07/15/2004: Daily Reflection on Scripture
07/15/2004: Scripture Quote of the Day
07/15/2004: Question of the Day: How do Catholics relate between scriptural Scriptural Church offices (prophet, teachers, apostles etc.) and modern Catholic Church offices (bishop, priest, and deacon)?
07/14/2004: Daily Reflection on Scripture
07/14/2004: Scripture Quote of the Day
07/14/2004: Question of the Day: Why prevent other Christians from taking Communion at the Catholic Church?
07/13/2004: Daily Reflection on Scripture
07/13/2004: Question of the Day: What kind of questions can I ask?
07/13/2004: Scripture Quote of the Day
07/12/2004: Daily Reflection on Scripture
07/12/2004: Question of the Day: Are you qualified to answer my question?
07/12/2004: Scripture Quote of the Day
07/12/2004: Back online!
05/07/2004: 'Jane Roe' a Catholic?
05/07/2004: Pro-Choice sticking point
05/07/2004: Quote of the Day
05/06/2004: Pledge drives and "matching" pledges
05/06/2004: Quote of the Day
05/04/2004: Republican, Catholic and Pro-Abortion = free ride?
05/04/2004: The pinacle of holiness: altar servers
05/04/2004: Quote of the Day
05/02/2004: Thoughts on today's Gospel reading
05/02/2004: Quote of the Day
04/30/2004: A play shows changes in views towards abortion
04/30/2004: More on adoption
04/30/2004: Terri Schiavo is being killed again
04/30/2004: More attacks on Mel Gibson
04/30/2004: More examples of TV show bias
04/30/2004: Quote of the Day
04/27/2004: Witness of a pro-life 'protestor' at the Washington March
04/27/2004: New document on Mass protocol
04/27/2004: Quote of the Day
04/26/2004: The best hour in radio, PERIOD
04/26/2004: What's the deal with Kerry?
04/26/2004: More proof of how corrupt adoption has become
04/26/2004: The Gospel of John movie
04/26/2004: Superheros and Celibacy
04/26/2004: Quote of the Day
04/22/2004: Men and Church
04/22/2004: Kerry vs. John Paul II
04/22/2004: Still busy, but too much to talk about
04/22/2004: Quote of the Day
04/13/2004: Too busy to blog
04/13/2004: Quote of the Day
04/07/2004: I'll only be posting readings and reflections through Easter
04/07/2004: What makes a person Catholic
04/07/2004: Quote of the Day
04/06/2004: Pope continues good to talk on important matters
04/06/2004: Quote of the Day
04/05/2004: Ever wondered what the deal is with Easter Eggs?
04/05/2004: A Hundred and Fifty Thousand a year is all we ask
04/05/2004: China here we come
04/05/2004: Is the shroud of Turin for real?
04/05/2004: Quote of the Day
04/04/2004: Thoughts on today's Gospel reading
04/04/2004: Quote of the Day
04/02/2004: Holy week is nearly here
04/02/2004: President signs unborn victim bill
04/02/2004: Quote of the Day
04/01/2004: April Fools
04/01/2004: I've been humbled
04/01/2004: Quote of the Day
03/31/2004: US Bishops start their visit to Vatican
03/31/2004: Pope to preside over all Holy Week services
03/31/2004: Quote of the Day
03/30/2004: Who should I vote for?
03/30/2004: Bush to sign Unborn-Victims bill
03/30/2004: Carl Olsen coming to Sacramento
03/30/2004: Anyone know some good movies/books for Quotes
03/30/2004: Quote of the Day
03/29/2004: The Pope speaks to Sunday's role
03/29/2004: What is faith?
03/29/2004: Quote of the Day
03/28/2004: Thoughts on today's Gospel reading
03/28/2004: Sorry for the color problems today
03/28/2004: Quote of the Day
03/26/2004: Remember this post, I gave the NYT their due
03/26/2004: One of the many reasons I love the Catholic Church
03/26/2004: Quote of the Day
03/25/2004: Thoughts on today's Gospel reading
03/25/2004: Quote of the Day
03/24/2004: Campaign money
03/24/2004: Quote of the Day
03/23/2004: Ecumenism and Evangelicals
03/23/2004: Quote of the Day
03/22/2004: Too funny for words
03/22/2004: Thoughts on Sunday's Gospel reading
03/22/2004: Quote of the Day
03/19/2004: Feasts and Fasts
03/19/2004: Thoughts on today's Gospel reading
03/19/2004: Quote of the Day
03/18/2004: Great American Think-Off
03/18/2004: Quote of the Day
03/17/2004: Another Baptism realization
03/17/2004: On the topic of St. Patricks day
03/17/2004: Happy St. Patricks day!
03/17/2004: Quote of the Day
03/16/2004: Vatican seminars on a roll!
03/16/2004: Studies on the effects of gay parenting on children
03/16/2004: Quote of the Day
03/15/2004: REALLY bad political comic
03/15/2004: Pope John Paul II has third longest Papacy in history
03/15/2004: And speaking of elections
03/15/2004: Terrorism and elections
03/15/2004: The Vatican speaks on "The Passion"
03/15/2004: Speaking of Sunday's Gospel reading
03/15/2004: My son was Baptized yesterday
03/15/2004: Quote of the Day
03/12/2004: Remember, abortions aren't murder.
03/12/2004: Quote of the Day
03/11/2004: Gay marriages blocked in SF by State Supreme Court
03/11/2004: Results of Papal survey on world religious state
03/11/2004: Quote of the Day
03/10/2004: Another important area of focus
03/10/2004: Details, details...
03/10/2004: Quote of the Day
03/09/2004: DC sniper sentenced to death
03/09/2004: Call doctor... having... heart... *cough*
03/09/2004: While we're on the subject of the Scouts
03/09/2004: Boy Scouts appeal rejected
03/09/2004: Quote of the Day
03/08/2004: A good opinion article on "The Passion"
03/08/2004: More on business ethics
03/08/2004: Quote of the Day
03/07/2004: Thoughts on today's Gospel reading
03/07/2004: Quote of the Day
03/06/2004: Liberals vs. Conservatives
03/06/2004: Quote of the Day
03/05/2004: The solution to Enron
03/05/2004: Quote of the Day
03/04/2004: "The Passion" outtakes
03/04/2004: Great post over on Townhall
03/04/2004: President Bush's new Ads
03/04/2004: Webber asks for forgiveness
03/04/2004: More Pope/Hitler garbage published
03/04/2004: Quote of the Day
03/03/2004: SF City Hall booked for marriages until May
03/03/2004: California election results
03/03/2004: More on California Supreme Court
03/03/2004: Quote of the Day
03/02/2004: Courts don't get it
03/02/2004: Quote of the Day
03/01/2004: "The Passion" wins big
03/01/2004: Proof of moral relativism
03/01/2004: Quote of the Day
02/27/2004: Young Priests more conservative
02/27/2004: "The Passion" thoughts
02/27/2004: Priestly Abuse Study released today
02/27/2004: Quote of the Day
02/26/2004: No blogging fast for me
02/26/2004: I'm seeing "The Passion" tonight
02/26/2004: Quote of the Day
02/25/2004: Thoughts on today's Gospel reading
02/25/2004: Quote of the Day
02/24/2004: The Unity of Christianity
02/24/2004: Do re-married Catholics have to abstain from Eucharist?
02/24/2004: "The Passion" opens tomorrow
02/24/2004: President Bush asks for a Constitutional Amendment
02/24/2004: Quote of the Day
02/23/2004: Child abuse abound
02/23/2004: Quote of the Day
02/22/2004: Thoughts on today's Gospel reading
02/22/2004: Quote of the Day
02/21/2004: Nuns who pray for journalists
02/21/2004: Keeping track of gay marriage status
02/21/2004: Another teacher & student sex case
02/21/2004: Quote of the Day
02/20/2004: Nader to jump in Presidential race
02/20/2004: New Gospel verses
02/20/2004: Pres. Bush waffling on Gay Marriage
02/20/2004: Jews for Jesus
02/20/2004: Quote of the Day
02/19/2004: Mel Gibson's Father
02/19/2004: Is "The Passion" too violent for children
02/19/2004: A review of "The Passion" on Zenit
02/19/2004: An e-mail dialogue between Christians
02/19/2004: Quote of the Day
02/18/2004: "The Passion"'s biggest legacy may be bringing Christians together
02/18/2004: What unity means
02/18/2004: Mel Gibson's PrimeTime interview
02/18/2004: SF Judge refuses to stop gay marriage
02/18/2004: Quote of the Day
02/17/2004: Statistics on American's view of Biblical literality
02/17/2004: Quote of the Day
02/16/2004: 2000 gay 'marriages'
02/16/2004: The U.N. and The Catholic Church
02/16/2004: This is how extreme gay theologians must get to defend themselves
02/16/2004: Quote of the Day
02/15/2004: It's my brother's Birthday
02/15/2004: Thoughts on today's Gospel reading
02/15/2004: Quote of the Day
02/13/2004: Teen group promotes "Day of Purity"
02/13/2004: Quote of the Day
02/12/2004: Another Satire
02/12/2004: The Onion always cracks me up
02/12/2004: Idiots in SF think they can sidestep the Law
02/12/2004: Is Kerry an Adulterer?
02/12/2004: CA prevented from Murdering... for now
02/12/2004: Quote of the Day
02/11/2004: And while we're on the topic of altar calls
02/11/2004: Britney Spears responds to Altar Call
02/11/2004: Quote of the Day
02/10/2004: Mel Gibson to be on PrimeTime
02/10/2004: Quote of the Day
02/09/2004: New color scheme
02/09/2004: The governments of the world continue to be more secular
02/09/2004: Quote of the Day
02/07/2004: How will Kerry handle Gay Marriage?
02/07/2004: Quote of the Day
02/06/2004: Another "Passion" review that leaves me speechless
02/06/2004: The Cannibal who couldn't be a killer!?!
02/06/2004: Another murder about to be committed by the state
02/06/2004: May he seek God's forgiveness
02/06/2004: Quote of the Day
02/05/2004: Gay Marriage moving forward again
02/05/2004: Quote of the Day
02/04/2004: What'll be the issues of the next Papal Enclave?
02/04/2004: A Last Minute Edit to "The Passion"
02/04/2004: Isn't it funny how...
02/04/2004: More religious women than men
02/03/2004: We're online


Other blogs I read:
Jimmy Akin
Crowhill's blog
Amy Welborn's 'open book' blog
Secondhand Smoke-Wesley Smith
Envoy Encore
Dale Price's blog
Mark Shea (On sabatical)

The Church I participate in:
Official Vatican Site
US Conference of Bishops
Sacramento Diocese
SS Peter and Paul Parish

Good Catholic Websites:
NewAdvent-Encyclopedia, Bible, Etc.
Zenit Catholic News
EWTN: Catholic TV and radio
Mass times for US travelers

July 2005
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