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Home » Archives » February 2004 » How will Kerry handle Gay Marriage?

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02/07/2004: "How will Kerry handle Gay Marriage?"

Here's a good article on the political ramifications of the recent court rulings regarding Gay Marriage. I think this Presidential election is going to be drastically different than the previous one. Last time around, you couldn't get most Americans to care enough to walking in to the polling station even if it was next door. Ho Hum, two life time politicians who don't seem to stand for anything meaningful. This time, I think that we'll have one of the highest voter turnouts since World War II, with two candidates who speak for two heavily divided segments of society.


Other blogs I read:
Jimmy Akin
Crowhill's blog
Amy Welborn's 'open book' blog
Secondhand Smoke-Wesley Smith
Envoy Encore
Dale Price's blog
Mark Shea (On sabatical)

The Church I participate in:
Official Vatican Site
US Conference of Bishops
Sacramento Diocese
SS Peter and Paul Parish

Good Catholic Websites:
NewAdvent-Encyclopedia, Bible, Etc.
Zenit Catholic News
EWTN: Catholic TV and radio
Mass times for US travelers

February 2004
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