02/21/2004: "Nuns who pray for journalists"
This short article references a small group in Italy that has been praying for the journalists of the world for the last 80 years. They also do catechetical (educational) work in this regard as well.
This is the type of thing more of us need to get involved in. We talk about all the problems of the world: bias of the media, context of TV programs, etc.. What we really need to do is get involved. Where's the best place to start: prayer.
It's why my Quote of the Day a few days ago was "Work as if everything depends on you, and pray as if everything depends on God." -St. Ignatius of Loyola, Founder of the Jesuits
I think we need to take those words to heart more often. I think particularly in America we forget that prayer actually works and that actions speak louder than words. It seems that those two thoughts are opposed to one another, but as St. Ignatius points out, we must embrace that mystery.