03/08/2005: "Back online!"
In the words of too many people: I'm BACK!!!!
Let's see, my last post was about 8 months ago (my Dad's birthday to be exact: 8/16). In that time, I've read a lot of blogs and had a lot of comments to make. But through it all I haven't been able to come up with a "theme" for my blog that I felt comfortable with, particularly in not being overly draining on my time. Today that inspiration came to me. You see, today I wrote an e-mail to Richard Cohen of the Washington Post in reply to his column. Excuse me the sin of pride, but it was one of my better e-mails to a columnist. While gloating to myself, two thoughts occured to me:
1. I should write more of these e-mails.
2. Other's may be interested in my writing campaigns.
That was the birth of my new blog "theme". So, until I revise it, here's what you can expect from me and my blog:
-Weekly comments on Sunday's Liturgy of the Word. (First things first, but weekly not daily like before)
-Weekly apologetic topic in a question and answer format. (Second things second)
-Daily (as they arrive) answers to questions about the Catholic faith. (More seconds)
-Posts of any letter & e-mails I send w/ links to the original article. (The bulk of my posts)
I hope you enjoy it and visit often!