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04/26/2005: "The celebate priesthood"

I don't know if I've mentioned on this blog that I've had a strong desire to write a book, any book, for a long time. Something about the process of delineating a extremely detailed set of thoughts in writing has always seemed enticing to me. I've made a number of attempts:

When I was an atheist I started writing a novel about a disenfranchised engineer who had his successful startup company ripped away from him and lost his family (through divorce) in the process. It was a VERY dark book, a tragedy of epic proportions.

I'm currently in a VERY long process of writing a somewhat autobiographical book based around some themes in a folk music artist's music. I've finished 5 chapters of 12 or so over the last 4 years. I want to get the transcript in its current state to the artist before continuing so I haven't written anything in the last year or so.

I've also recently thought of writing a book around the same theme as 'Earth Abides' (the aftermath of humanity being nearly wiped out by a plague) but written from a Catholic perspective. I'm just not sure how to do so without doing one of two things: Making the hero a bishop (and I want it to be about lay people) or without violating Catholic doctrine regarding the apocalypse.

A couple years ago I started on a non-fiction book about the issues that divide Catholics and Protestants and what I believe to be the underpinnings of those differences. The point was to show that most of our differences, with a couple of notable examples, are more issues of emphasis than theological differences. It was supposed to be mostly ecumenical in nature.

As a final example, I've thought of extending the article I'm planning on writing on the myths of the 20th century into a book.

In any case, I bet you're wondering what this all has to do with the title of the post. Well, a rabbi wrote an article about why he thinks the Catholic Church needs to do away with mandatory celibacy. It is a very charitably written article by a man who clearly has a great deal of respect for the Church.

That said, it seems to me that a book needs to be written defending the celibate priesthood. I'm sure there are many theologically heavy works on the subject, but I'm thinking of a book with a popular emphasis. I suspect it would need to have a fair amount of history in it as well as a fair amount of content on what exactly the benefits of it are both traditionally and currently. Finally, it would need to address a number of the concerns people have about it.

Expect a couple of posts in the next few days about why I think the celibate priesthood is an important aspect of the Catholic faith and should not be abandoned if at all possible.

Replies: 3 Comments

Ken's Brother :

As an avid sewer myself (although I dabble in manlier stuff like pillow case remote controller holders for sofa's), I think it's an important book to have written.
Although I'm sure Martha Stewart would come after you for infringing on her marketplace.

04.28.05 @ 09:37 AM PST [homepage]

Ken Crawford :

I figured you were already working on a book of the same topic (your revised history) so there was no need for me to start an alternate version.

Speaking of books I remembered another one I had considered seriously: Sewing for men.

I sew a lot, but all of it is "manly" stuff like boat covers and canvas bags. I figured the book would have two appeals: 1. almost all sewing books are about how to sew lace and embroidery, this would focus on how to deal with heavy fabrics that are heavily loaded. 2. It would write about the basics of sewing in a way that was appealing to those of us with a great deal of testosterone.

To everyone out there: any of these that they'd like to see written?

04.28.05 @ 09:09 AM PST

Ken's Brother :

I'm traumatized you gave up writing "My Brothers Life: A Revisonists History" already...

04.27.05 @ 07:48 PM PST [homepage]

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Other blogs I read:
Jimmy Akin
Crowhill's blog
Amy Welborn's 'open book' blog
Secondhand Smoke-Wesley Smith
Envoy Encore
Dale Price's blog
Mark Shea (On sabatical)

The Church I participate in:
Official Vatican Site
US Conference of Bishops
Sacramento Diocese
SS Peter and Paul Parish

Good Catholic Websites:
NewAdvent-Encyclopedia, Bible, Etc.
Zenit Catholic News
EWTN: Catholic TV and radio
Mass times for US travelers

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