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Home » Archives » May 2005 » More on The Play

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05/06/2005: "More on The Play"

My brother and I have long been looking for another piece of The Play. We've wanted to hear the Stanford radio broadcast. Hearing Joe Starkey is great, but we figure that it would be particularly interesting to hear the shear distress and confusion of the Stanford commentator.

My brother recently got the following e-mail from a longtime radio producer for one of the Bay Area radio stations, not just incidently, the one that has long had the rights to Stanford football. Here's what he has to say:

"It doesn't exist. I've looked for years."

Man! It's got to exist somewhere. There's got to be someone who recorded that game who was a Stanford fan and never erased it. Maybe if they knew I'd pay them for it, they might go find it...

New Comment
E-Mail: Note: this will not appear on the blog.
smile shocked sad
big grin razz *wink wink* hey baby
angry, grr blush confused
cool crazy cry
sleepy hehe LOL
plain jane rolls eyes satisfied


Other blogs I read:
Jimmy Akin
Crowhill's blog
Amy Welborn's 'open book' blog
Secondhand Smoke-Wesley Smith
Envoy Encore
Dale Price's blog
Mark Shea (On sabatical)

The Church I participate in:
Official Vatican Site
US Conference of Bishops
Sacramento Diocese
SS Peter and Paul Parish

Good Catholic Websites:
NewAdvent-Encyclopedia, Bible, Etc.
Zenit Catholic News
EWTN: Catholic TV and radio
Mass times for US travelers

May 2005
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