Green header graphic

Today is The 3rd Thursday in Ordinary Time
The Liturgical Color of the day is Green

Jesus reaching out
Wednesday, April 13th

Even funnier!

Well, if I thought that last story by Dale Price was funny, this one killed me! This joke that comes via my brother (warning, VERY bad language) from the FHM magazine:

Proudly showing off his new apartment to some friends late one night, a drunk leads the way to his bedroom where there's a big brass gong.
"What's with the gong?" one of the friends asks.
"That's no gong, it's a talking clock" the drunk replies.
"How does it work?" the friend asks.
"Watch" says the drunk. He picks up a hammer, pounds the gong as loudly as he can and steps back.
Suddenly, someone on the other side of the wall screams "you a$$#@!, it's 10 past 4 in the morning!"

I shouldn't have read this joke at work!

kencraw on 04.13.05 @ 10:25 AM PST [link] [2 Comments ]

Tuesday, April 12th

Busted a gut!

You ever have one of those laughs when it takes all you can to contain yourself and you still fail. If you haven't and you're a man who's ever had an at-home maintenance emergency which you failed miserably at handling, you need to read Dale Price's horrific experience this past weekend.

Don't worry Dale, we're not laughing at you. It's the laugh of a very deep empathy. We know what it is like to have all hell break loose and inadvertently drop a "2 megaton F-bomb". We know what it is like to realize that it would have been nice to respond to inquiries from our children with a "gentle admonishment" to go play instead of unleasing "Roaring Dad". Or what it is like to have a repair man respond to an emergency with a 'when we get around to it' answer that brings out a response like "MY HEAD'S STILL ON MY TORSO, SO TAKE YOUR FRICKING TIME!"

We know it all too well Dale and all we can do is laugh uncontrollably to prevent ourselves from crying.

kencraw on 04.12.05 @ 04:14 PM PST [link] [No Comments ]

Reflections on Sunday's readings

I love the readings of the Easter season. They are so straight forward and speak to that central mystery of the Christian faith: That Jesus is God and that he was crucified, resurrected and ascended into heaven.

He is Risen! Praise be to God!

There is so much more I could say, but somehow, Easter doesn't seem to me to be all about thoughtful reflection but as about celebrating a mystery. How long should I spend sitting around disecting the mystery? My gut is telling me: Not much. Instead I'll spend my time celebrating:

He is Risen! Praise be to God!

kencraw on 04.12.05 @ 02:05 PM PST [link] [No Comments ]

Scripture Quote of the Week

God raised this Jesus; of this we are all witnesses.
Exalted at the right hand of God, he received the promise of the holy Spirit from the Father and poured it forth, as you (both) see and hear.

-Luke 2:32-33 from Sunday's 1st reading

kencraw on 04.12.05 @ 01:59 PM PST [link] [No Comments ]

My e-mail to the EBay seller of the Eucharist

I don't know if it'll make any difference, but I had to try. I tried to write it with the Catholic Church as a third party so as to hopefully communicate that this was a bigger than just what Catholics believe. I pray that he just reads it. Maybe someday in his life it will have an impact. Here is the text of the message I sent:

I'm not going to tell you that you're going to hell for selling the Eucharist, so please don't delete this message. What I would like you to consider is how important the Eucharist is to Catholics and how much it hurts them for you to first partake of the Eucharist when you are not Catholic and then to take a second wafer for a souvenir to eventually sell, something that even Catholics are not allowed to do.

Irrelevant of whether you are Catholic, it is very disrespectful to desecrate what they consider to be God Himself by selling it. I believe that it is important that we are all respectful of each other's faith and it is inappropriate to desecrate the sacred of anyone's faith. It is no more appropriate for anyone, no matter what faith they belong to, to desecrate Catholic Eucharist as for a Catholic to desecrate a Buhdist shrine.

That's all I'm writing to ask: that you be more respectful of sacred religious articles of all faiths in the future.

Thank you.

kencraw on 04.12.05 @ 01:49 PM PST [link] [No Comments ]

Consecrated Eucharist for sale on Ebay!?!

One never needs to look far to see a complete lack of respect for the Catholic faith, but it is rare to see one as comprehensive as with the Ebay seller diversifiedsolutions and his auction for Eucharist from Mass w/ Pope John Paul II in 1998 +Xtras.

My first instinct was to bid to get the host back in the hands of the Church. That may have been the hope of the first bidder named saintlyc344y. The auction was won by a bidder named oz_loves_montana_coffee who used the Buy It Now feature to buy it for $2000. It is rumored over on EnvoyEncore (who gets the hat tip for this post) that this bidder bought it to take it back to his priest who will handle it properly.

What really bugs me about this is the lack of respect this person who sold it has for Catholicism. He proclaims boldly that he's not Catholic and doesn't think he's going to hell for selling this on EBay. OK, that's your own perogative to think that, but how about some respect for the faith? How about the common knowlege that everyone knows that only Catholics are able to partake of the the Eucharist? Why did you choose not only to partake but to take a 2nd host as a sourvenir? How about the knowlege that Catholics believe it is the body and blood of Christ and it is to be treated reverentially? Can you have some respect for our beliefs?

Apparently not.

kencraw on 04.12.05 @ 01:09 PM PST [link] [No Comments ]


Other blogs I read:
Jimmy Akin
Crowhill's blog
Amy Welborn's 'open book' blog
Secondhand Smoke-Wesley Smith
Envoy Encore
Dale Price's blog
Mark Shea (On sabatical)

The Church I participate in:
Official Vatican Site
US Conference of Bishops
Sacramento Diocese
SS Peter and Paul Parish

Good Catholic Websites:
NewAdvent-Encyclopedia, Bible, Etc.
Zenit Catholic News
EWTN: Catholic TV and radio
Mass times for US travelers

April 2005
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