Green header graphic

Today is The 3rd Thursday in Ordinary Time
The Liturgical Color of the day is Green

Jesus reaching out
Friday, May 6th

Maybe it really doesn't exist

OK, I will eventually get off the topic of The Play. But I'm searching everywhere to try and find the Stanford audio. In that process I found this from and interview with Joe Starkey:

"Normally in TV and radio," Starkey says, "when you know it's the last play of the game, you don't call it as it occurs. You wait until it's played out, then give a recap. Fortunately, I had the presence of mind to stick with it."

Maybe the Stanford guy didn't even call the play. I'd still like to hear his "recap".

Also in that interview:

"One colleague of mine was in his car at a red light when he heard me calling out Cal’s last play," says Starkey. "When the light turned green, he didn't move, and neither did any of the other cars at the intersection. It was obvious everyone was listening to the same thing; he said the light changed twice before anyone moved."

Another friend driving home during The Play, Starkey remembers, tried to pull over to listen to the broadcast, but was so distracted by what was transpiring that he ended up in a nearby ditch.

No matter where they were listening, football fans all over Northern California were able to share in the jubilation, thanks to Starkey’s thorough and emotionally charged description, which concluded with these words: "From here in Berkeley…where the serenading, and the songs, and the music, and the parties will go on late into the night as people years from now... will say they were here today for what has to be, as of this moment, the greatest Big Game in history."

kencraw on 05.06.05 @ 04:18 PM PST [link] [1 Comment ]

More on The Play

My brother and I have long been looking for another piece of The Play. We've wanted to hear the Stanford radio broadcast. Hearing Joe Starkey is great, but we figure that it would be particularly interesting to hear the shear distress and confusion of the Stanford commentator.

My brother recently got the following e-mail from a longtime radio producer for one of the Bay Area radio stations, not just incidently, the one that has long had the rights to Stanford football. Here's what he has to say:

"It doesn't exist. I've looked for years."

Man! It's got to exist somewhere. There's got to be someone who recorded that game who was a Stanford fan and never erased it. Maybe if they knew I'd pay them for it, they might go find it...

kencraw on 05.06.05 @ 03:23 PM PST [link] [No Comments ]

Question of the Week: What is confirmation?

Since this past weeks Sunday readings made such a direct reference to confirmation, I figured discussing what confirmation is would be wise.

One of the best ways to tell if someone over 50 was educated in a Catholic elementary school is if you ask them out of the blue "Quick! Name the seven sacraments!" and they answer:

"Mother Angelica they are Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Marriage, Ordination, Confession, and Annointing of the Sick (Last Rites), ma'am."

It'll sound a little like Forrest Gump's response to his drill Sergeant's question "Gump! What's your sole purpose in this army?"

"To do whatever you tell me, drill sergeant!"

(By the way, I just love the sergeant's response. He swears at Gump like he hated the answer, then pauses and says "You're a genius! That's the most outstanding answer I've ever heard! You must have a *** I.Q. of 160!" Speaking of which, I should make a favorite movie quotes page.)

Anyway, the point of this humorous aside is that every good Catholic (even those supposedly beat with rulers by dictator nuns) should know that there are seven Sacraments. Sacraments, simply defined, are rituals by which we receive graces from God. Baptism is the easiest example for most of us to understand because of our familiarity with it. It is not just the fact that we pour water on someone's head (or dunk them in the water) that does it, it requires the active participation and faith of the person being baptized, but somehow those actions of their own right cause God to give us a certain grace that would be more difficult to receive otherwise. So the Sacraments are special actions by which we can receive that grace. An important note is that they are not the only way to receive grace. We receive them by praying (obviously) and we could receive them by building a house or going for a hike. But the Sacraments were instituted by God for the purpose of giving us a ritual to receive specific graces.

Four of the seven Sacraments are once in a lifetime rituals: Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage and Ordination (each one can only be done once, but you could be ordained as more than one thing (priest then bishop). These Sacraments give graces that are tranformational in nature. They help a person to grow into a new life, one deeper commited to Christ. Simply stated these four Sacraments give the following graces:

Baptism -> removes the stain of original sin.
Confirmation -> more perfectly binds us to the Church.
Marriage -> makes us one with our spouse.
Ordination -> gives us the grace to serve God in that ministry.

So Confirmation is, in a sense, the completion of our Christian initiation. It binds us to the Church so that we can serve it. Remember that Christ gave the Holy Spirit to the Church. And it is by Confirmation that we "receive" the Holy Spirit.

I put quotes around receive because I don't want to imply that the Holy Spirit is not in/around us before our Confirmation. God, particularly in the Holy Spirit, is omnipresent. He is everywhere including in those who do not recognize or acknowlege His presence. But when we are confirmed we "receive" it. We receive it in the sense that we are bound to the Church and the special connection to God that all who belong to His Church recognize the presence of the Holy Spirit in one's life. To use another word, the word used during the Confirmation rite, we are sealed by the Holy Spirit.

As you can see, Confirmation is not as simple a theological concept as Baptism. I think it is because it is not one of two things, an obvious beginning or an obvious transformation. It is more like a coming of age. It is a completion, or sealing, of saying you are now a full member of the Church and you now receive the gift that flows through the Church in its fullness, the Holy Spirit.

kencraw on 05.06.05 @ 03:17 PM PST [link] [No Comments ]

Wednesday, May 4th

Amazing Race metrics update

Next week is the last week of The Amazing Race. I haven't updated my metrics in a while, so I thought I'd do that now so that everyone (including my brother who I'm competing against) will know the current situation going into the last week (see here for formulas and goals):

Ranking stability week #1: Ken 1.81 Briain 1.27
Ranking stability week #2: Ken 1.20 Brian 2.20
Ranking stability week #3: Ken 1.00 Brian 2.00
Ranking stability week #4: Ken 0.29 Brian 0.29
Ranking stability week #5: Ken 0.50 Brian 1.00
Ranking stability week #6: Ken 0.80 Brian 0.80
Ranking stability week #7: Ken 0.00 Briain 0.00
Ranking stability week #8: Ken 0.25 Brian 0.25
Ranking stability week #9: Ken 0.25 Brian 0.00
Ranking stability week #10: Ken 0.00 Brian 0.25

Season ranking stability: Ken 0.43 Brian: 0.68

Philimination accuracy: Ken: 2.50 Brian: 2.13

Skill Score: Ken 1.08 Brian 1.45

As you can see, Brian has been slightly better at predicting who's gone next while I have been able to be fairly accurate without as much thrashing in my rankings. So who's going to win? Well, here are the scenarios (Ranking stability is now completed):

Finishing order of 1. Rob and Amber, 2. Uchenna and Joyce, 3. Ron and Kelly (My current ordering):

Philimination accuracy: Ken: 1.82 Brian: 1.73
Skill Score: Ken 0.78 Brian 1.18

Finishing order of 1. Uchenna and Joyce, 2. Rob and Amber, 3. Ron and Kelly (Brian's current ordering):

Philimination accuracy: Ken: 2.00 Brian: 1.55
Skill Score: Ken 0.86 Brian 1.05

Finishing order of 1. Rob and Amber, 2. Ron and Kelly, 3. Uchenna and Joyce:

Philimination accuracy: Ken: 2.00 Brian: 1.91
Skill Score: Ken 0.86 Brian 1.30

Finishing order of 1. Uchenna and Joyce, 2. Ron and Kelly, 3. Rob and Amber:

Philimination accuracy: Ken: 2.18 Brian: 1.73
Skill Score: Ken 0.94 Brian 1.18

Finishing order of 1. Ron and Kelly, 2. Rob and Amber, 3. Uchenna and Joyce:

Philimination accuracy: Ken: 2.18 Brian: 1.91
Skill Score: Ken 0.94 Brian 1.30

Finishing order of 1. Ron and Kelly, 2. Uchenna and Joyce, 3. Rob and Amber:

Philimination accuracy: Ken: 2.18 Brian: 1.91
Skill Score: Ken 0.94 Brian 1.30

So, as you can see, I win in all scenarios. One could make a number of arguments about the metrics being unfair but I don't see many that are. About the only thing that could be argued is that the Skill Score should be additive as opposed to multiplicative. If that were the case, I'd win in a number of the 2 of the 6 scenarios. Because of how small the stability numbers are, that would be putting more emphasis on finishing order as opposed to stability so I think my formulas well represent performance over the season.

kencraw on 05.04.05 @ 02:12 PM PST [link]

Tuesday, May 3rd

Reflections on Sunday's readings

OK, if you've been reading this blog during the Easter season, you know what I'm about to say:

I love the readings from Easter! They are so straight forward.

This week I guess the Gospel reading is a little bit more nuanced than previous weeks, but the 1st reading from the Acts of the Apostles is just great because it shows that right from the beginning the Sacrament of Confirmation has been an important part of the Church.

When we are confirmed in the Catholic Church the Bishop (or the Priest in the case of an adult convert) lays his hands on the person being confirmed and says "Receive the Holy Spirit". Confirmation is clearly what is being done, although they might not have called it that at the time Acts was written, when Peter and John went to Samaria to help them receive the Holy Spirit.

Like in previous weeks of Easter, I could spend all day discussing the implications of this passage of scripture but I feel that Easter is a time to rejoice and I don't do that by sitting behind a monitor and reflecting. I do that by singing God's praises while out experiencing His glory. For me that involves a lot of sailing, cuddling with my wife and playing with my boys.

And, thanks be to God, you should be too!

kencraw on 05.03.05 @ 01:50 PM PST [link] [No Comments ]

Scripture Quote of the Week

"Now when the apostles in Jerusalem
heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God,
they sent them Peter and John,
who went down and prayed for them,
that they might receive the Holy Spirit,
for it had not yet fallen upon any of them;
they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Then they laid hands on them
and they received the Holy Spirit."

Acts 8:5-8, 14-17 from Sunday's Gospel reading

kencraw on 05.03.05 @ 01:24 PM PST [link] [No Comments ]

Ebay comes to their senses... No more Eucharist for sale

Well, it looks like the boycott/public preasure tactic worked with Ebay. They've come out with a statement saying that they are no longer going to allow the sale of the Eucharist. Here's a link.

Thanks be to God!

Now, I've got some overdue bidding to do...

kencraw on 05.03.05 @ 01:11 PM PST [link] [1 Comment ]


Other blogs I read:
Jimmy Akin
Crowhill's blog
Amy Welborn's 'open book' blog
Secondhand Smoke-Wesley Smith
Envoy Encore
Dale Price's blog
Mark Shea (On sabatical)

The Church I participate in:
Official Vatican Site
US Conference of Bishops
Sacramento Diocese
SS Peter and Paul Parish

Good Catholic Websites:
NewAdvent-Encyclopedia, Bible, Etc.
Zenit Catholic News
EWTN: Catholic TV and radio
Mass times for US travelers

May 2005
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15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
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