Vote against prop. 87

Proposition 87 is a large tax on oil companies with the intent of that money being spent on alternative energy methods.  The bill is written in such a way that supposedly the oil companies can’t pass “the costs” onto the consumers.  Not only is that probably against federal law it’s also completely impossible to do.

The costs will be passed on in the form of higher gas prices.  I can guarantee it.

When this proposition was originally written, it was written as a way to stick it to the oil companies for their record profits.  Now that time has passed, the focus of the public has shifted so the supporters have shifted their focus to what the money will be spent on.

Well, there enters the problem.  Since it was written to stick it to the oil companies, the payment of the money to a new half-baked alternative energy organization just isn’t compelling.  The money will be wasted.  That too I can guarantee.

Vote against prop. 87.  It means higher prices at the fuel pump without any benefits.

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