Over at my brother’s blog he shares a quote about San Francisco, Oakland and sports:
“Oakland teams will always be second fiddle to the San Francisco teams — regardless of records — because Oakland is a second-class city. When people around the country think of the Bay Area, they think of San Francisco. If there was no San Francisco, nobody would ever even hear of a city called Oakland, except when they break their own record for homicides each year.”
I’m going to ignore the sports angle (mostly because it is ludicrous to state that teams deserve coverage based on the size/prestige of their city (Green Bay Packers anyone?)) and focus on the merits of the two cities.
First of all, there is no denying that SF is an elite city, higher in stature than Oakland. It’s in that list of cities everyone in the world has heard of: New York, Chicago, Paris, London, etc.. That said, I think it is a stretch to call Oakland 2nd-class unless we’re scoring on an 10 class scale where SF is greater than Oakland is greater than Sacramento is greater than Modesto is greater than Roseville is greater than Rocklin is greater than Newcastle is greater than Gridley is greater than Biggs is greater than nothing kinda way. The reality is that any city in the US that has 3 pro-sports franchises is in the top tier, at least in the tiers I would have.
But more importantly, since the above argument is just an argument for how to split up the tiers, is that this person seems to think that SF is a better city because of the people and the way the city is run. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you look at 9 out of 10 elite cities, they are elite cities because of geography. They are in genuinely unique places often very a great shipping port, well sheltered from the ocean. The reality is that SF would be an elite city no matter what they did. Heck, the current policies of SF pretty much prove the point.
So his statement “If there was no San Francisco, nobody would ever even hear of a city called Oakland” is completely false. If SF were to fall into the ocean Superman I style, some other city in the Bay Area would be the elite one (and I’m guessing it would be Oakland). The geography of the area dictates it.
So the next time somebody tries to sell you some crap about how awesome their elite city is, especially if that person is from the pathetically run San Franciso that no longer even has a substantial port despite being in one of the worlds best locations for one (and it should be noted that the reason is because the Port of Oakland put them out of business), know in your heart that their arogance is unfounded.