Updated blogroll
March 12th, 2008Well I updated the blogroll by deleting dead-sites, changing links for moved sites and adding a new site.
I wanted to bring your attention to the new site, as it’s really good. It’s called Building Cathedrals and the site best describes it’s title:
“A mother is the most important person on earth. She cannot claim the honor of having built Notre Dame Cathedral. She need not. She has built something more magnificent than any Cathedral — a dwelling for an immortal soul, the tiny perfection of her baby’s body.” — Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty (as quoted by Danielle Bean)
If that doesn’t peak a parent’s curiosity, a summary of the authors may:
Seven young, Catholic mothers who graduated from Princeton University, seeking to build our families just as the architects of the great cathedrals built their detailed masterpieces: day by day, stone by stone, with attention to details that only He will see.
Seven bachelors degrees, four advanced degrees, and nearly 200 combined months of pregnancy have only convinced us of how much we have left to learn in matters of faith, family and vocation. We adhere wholeheartedly to every doctrine of the Holy Catholic Church, but the details beyond that, from co-sleepers and breast pumps to schooling options and professional life, are grounds for robust discussion with like-minded friends. Nothing written on this blog is intended to incite maternal guilt, anger or to advise on medical or legal matters. Virgin most prudent, pray for us!
The content of the site reflects the thoughtfulness of the title and summary. There’s a humility and honesty that is rarely found in their posts as they feel their way through parenting. Go take a look, particularly all you parents out there.