Archive for the 'Family' Category

Beating a dead horse

Monday, August 29th, 2005

I was re-reading an e-mail I sent earlier today and came across a joke I made about my family. I started busting up. I must be a funny guy when I can make myself laugh through an e-mail loop. Anyway, here’s what I thought was so funny (written to my brother’s girlfriend):

“As for beating a dead horse, you’re dating a guy from a family of experts on the subject. You can just imagine this exchange from a farm back in ‘ol Scotland (make sure to add Scotish accents in your head):

Farmer: “I’m sory Mr. Crawford, but the horse has died.”
Mr. Crawford: “I’ll show you a dead horse (whip)!”

My brother thought it was hilarious and that’s probably because we both used the same voice for Mr. Crawford: Willie from the Simpsons. Yes?